Well, it's official... I'm a stalker. I'm probably just ticking Anne Scully off at this point, but you know what? She signed off on my HAR at least 2 weeks ago, and still... nothing. I'm having a hard time being nice about it at this point. This is my life, you know? So I emailed her today and asked if my mam could just go to her office and pick it up (I live out of town). She knows my mam because they both work for Children's Services. And my mam only works mornings right now because her back is not so good. She was run off the road April 20th of this year, when we had a big dump of snow. A big ol' tanker truck was coming toward her, in her lane on the highway, and all she could do was aim for the ditch. At the time, we were all just so relieved that she did get out of the way in time. I wasn't there, but apparently it was so close my mam wasn't even quite sure how she was still alive. Anyway, so because she works half-time only a few blocks from Anne, I asked if she could get it when she got off of work. I asked Anne to call or email my mam to let her know, but I later found out that my mam had to take the day off (because the pain in her back was unbearable -- and she's no wuss!), so I don't know what she said about that. I'm curious to know what the message is at my mam's work. I know I can't get everything sent off right now, but we can get most of it to Imagine and get that ball rolling.
I have school starting on Tuesday, and I am so not ready. Well, I guess that's not totally true. In some courses I'm super-ready. In others I have no idea what I'm doing. In Information Processing, I was told it was a module course (so students basically follow the given directions of the module, and I mark it when they finish and give an occasional typing test), but nope! that's not true. We have texts, but no modules. Sigh. I wonder how long those will take to get in. I'm sure it'll all come together (it'll have to), but I'm not looking forward to the Superintendent coming to check out all of our classes this Friday. Awesome (read: sarcasm).
So I've learned a couple of hard lessons this week. I need to shut my mouth!!! My neighbor's mad at me. I don't really blame her. I said something about how her son and Jonah have been fighting lately, and so I had to cancel a play date that we'd arranged. I was worried about having that conversation, because I didn't want her to be hurt and to have it cause us problems. Well, I was visiting her family this past weekend (her family is great) and so I mentioned the problems they've been having, and told them I was stressing about talking to her about it. Now, okay, you're probably thinking, "That was stupid! Consider your audience!" And you're right. My intention in mentioning it was that maybe they would have some advice to offer on how to approach it to make the chat as comfortable as possible. But none was offered, and I didn't pursue it. And when I talked to her, she was hurt, apparently, but never showed that to me. But then she found out I'd talked to her family, and felt like I'd painted her boy as a brat. Not true, but what can I say? I guess maybe that's how the family felt, but it's not what I said. So I apologized, and said it was wrong for me to say anything to them, but she's still mad. I don't know what else to say, and I'm not going to beg for forgiveness. I really am sorry, but this whole thing makes me wonder if we are as good of friends as I thought, if her reaction when she's mad is to screen my phone calls, and not accept my apology. I don't know what to do about it.
And yet, I didn't learn my lesson from this, because mere hours later, I stuck my foot in my mouth again, ticking off my sister that I visited last weekend. Without going into too much detail, something needed to be said, but I knew it wasn't my place, so I emailed a relative of hers to see if she had already been told what it was I wanted her to know. And then the feces hit the fan, because she's not close with that relative and their response to the email was an attack on her, and it was obviously not what I'd intended, but there it was. Open mouth, insert foot. In all fairness, it was important to say what was said, but I should have just taken the risk of stepping on her toes and just talking directly to her. But not knowing what she knew?... I thought I was making the right choice.
Moral of the story: Shut Up Melissa! (It's a pretty individualized moral) As a result of this stressful week, I have not been able to sleep well. I've laid awake a lot. A couple of nights ago, I decided to make jam at 11:00 at night. I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon anyway. But the result of not being able to sleep, is that I'm tired, overly emotional, and not able to deal with stress like I usually can. Sigh. On the up side: It's the weekend. Hallelujah! I'm going to work hard tomorrow, go to bed early, and work hard on Sunday. Then on Monday, my favorite boy and I are going to have a special day together before I start back at school. No solid plans yet, but maybe swimming (and grocery shopping!) or painting or something.
Well, 1 AM. Bedtime.
We got THE CALL!
8 years ago
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