Well, Easter is almost here! I'm thrilled to have the week off, and my sister was good enough to keep that baby in her belly, so I get to be at the delivery of her fourth and final munchkin. I've been there for all except number three. I missed her by two days, two years ago. She was born right after I went back to school after spring break. If you met her, you might think it was on purpose. She's a sweet little firecracker, that one. She wasn't named for the first four days of her life. I hope Melanie and Jim are better prepared this time around!
I'm hanging out for the week at my mam's which is nice, because I miss her when I'm home. We get along really well, and have such a good time together. We usually laugh a lot. Usually I'm making the jokes, but today we were playing Scrabble, and it was the end and I was getting crushed, and was on the last turn. And my mam pointed out where I could go, but I said, "I want to find something brilliant." Her response: "Why start now?" Yeah. Boy do I love hanging out with her! ;)
Lent is almost done. I did my hardest ever lent this year. I gave up processed foods. Well, to a point. I mean, I need flour and milk and stuff, and I know they are technically processed, but I didn't count stuff like that. I did count yogurt, cheese, sauces, breads that I didn't make, etc. It was a bit of a famine time at the beginning, but toward the end, I got a little more motivated (by hunger -- I lost about ten pounds in the first three or so weeks), and learned to make pasta, even cheese! But I'll be glad when Sunday rolls around. My plans for the day basically look like a menu: cereal from a box (oh yeah!), croissants for lunch, and the Old Spagetti Factory's browned butter and mizithra cheese pasta for supper. I'm anticipating a tummy ache, even though I'll pace myself. It's funny that when you clear out your system of processed food, your stomach reacts very unhappily when reintroduced to such delicious foody gems. I'm sure I'll soldier through the pain in the name of cheddar and gouda! Yummina!
We got THE CALL!
8 years ago
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