Major Adoption-Related Events

  • 09-04-29 Part One Sponsorship Application Completed and Sent
  • 08-11-04 Dossier in Ethiopia -- the wait begins
  • 08-10-24 Dossier on its way to Ethiopia
  • 08-10-23 Dossier back to Imagine
  • 08-10-17 Dossier to Ottawa
  • 08-10-07 Dossier (finally complete) at Imagine
  • 08-09-10 Dossier (most) Sent to Imagine
  • 08-09-04 Provincial Approval Received
  • 08-07-08 Completed Dossier Sent to Province for Approval
  • 08-06-26 HAR Signed and sent back to ABC
  • 08-05-16 HAR Started
  • 08-04-22 Int'l Adoption Self-Study Course Completed
  • 08-04-07 Application sent to ABC
  • 08-02-19 Initial Application faxed to Imagine
  • 08-02-16 References Requested from Friends

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I'm too tire to think of a title. And apparently too tired to put a "d" on tired. Things are plonking along. The new school year is in full swing, as are my allergies. Seasonal allergies in Fall? I guess. Something's setting me off, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe dust. I need to dust. But it's not so dusty in my house that I should be reacting. You can't even see build up so... yeah. But I'm tired of sniffing like a coke addict so maybe I need to see a doctor and figure out what it is I need to avoid. I'm honestly worried that my demise will be at the hands of my allergies. Not any time soon, but you never know what's going to mark the end of you. My friend's grandpa died this summer from an ingrown toenail infection. Seriously. What are the odds? I bet as a strapping young fellow of 25, he never even considered that his toe would take him down.
Anyway. Not feeling morbid or anything, but you'd sure think so by that start!
Some good news - non-adoption related - is that Jonah and I are starting to take Tai Kwon Do this year together. It's going to be super fun. But I'm with Jonah in the 5-8 year-old class (because he's only turning 5 in April 2010). So that might be humbling at times, but hopefully I will be able to run as fast as my "peers." If I was in the adult class, I'd feel like the fat kid who can't keep up. But with the little guys I'll be the big kid. I'd rather be the big kid. And hopefully doing Tai Kwon Do twice a week, by the time Jonah is on his own in class and I'm with the grown-ups, I won't be fat at all.
What else? Oh. Jonah said the funniest thing to me in the morning about a month ago. He came into the room and this is the conversation:
J: Guess what? My pull-up's dry! Yep. Dry as a monster!
M: What? Are monsters especially dry?
J: I don't know.
M: Usually people say, "Dry as a bone."
J: Oh. Well, I'm dry as a bone!
In hindsight, I wish I hadn't corrected him. So random and funny.
So. The plan. I don't know how to feel. Good I guess, because it is moving forward, likely. Not thrilled that this has happened at all though. But no point sulking about it. I'm bummed that my kids are going to be so far apart in age. Of course, I'm not adopting a playmate for Jonah, but it would be nice if my daughter was also a playmate for Jonah. When I started, it seemed like they'd be about 3.5 years apart. Then four with the changing timelines. Now 5, 5+? Who knows? I wish I'd listened to those who months ago offered me advice when I'd asked -- about moving to BC. Would it complicate my adoption? A bit, but at this point who cares? It's not going to get too much more complicated. So I'm applying. There's a job opening in Nanaimo in the second half of the school year. What's the point of putting my life on hold anymore? Life goes on. I've got to move with it.


The Mannings said...

Good luck with the job!!! I hope you get it. I also hope you get over your allergies - mine have started acting up too - ragweed time in Ontario.
I feel the same about the proposal. I really want to believe that it will work...but, well you know.


Single PAP said...

wow, moving mid-year. what prompts that? i hope it pans out for you! i hear ya on the moving on with life and not waiting for the 'right' time cause there is no way to predict when that will be. good luck!

Louise said...

I do allergy testing, it could be ragweed. Aerius is an OTC medication that is once a day and is really good.