Well, the plan passed on Monday with 93% support. I am super excited, but you will notice a shortage of exclamation marks in this post, even though the event merits them. I am so hopeful, but I am numb too. I mean, I so want things to move forward. SOOOO want things to move forward. But after this dip in the road, it's hard to be totally convinced. I am eager to send off my first payment to get the ball rolling, but am very reserved with my excitement. I haven't told anyone except close friends and family that it passed for fear of having to tell friends later that yep, it was supposed to move ahead, but then it didn't work out. I am not a pessimist. I so rarely take any road besides optimism. But I'm a little scared to be optimistic. So don't think I'm Debbie Downer. I'm really not feeling that way; just feeling cautious.
And I am moving ahead. Sent off that application for a teaching job in Nanaimo, but haven't yet heard back besides confirmation that they'd received it. I'm really hoping they will call though.
Another ball in the air for me is that I've made the decision to look into fostering. My mam is a foster parent and I know the good it can do, and I know the need that there is. I mean, I'm not going to take in kids with severe behaviors or predators who could turn my sweet guy into a victim; I know that there are some risks. But there are risks with anything, and parenting is about minimizing the big ones. I know kids in care who are amazing and just got the crap end of the stick. So I think if I don't get the job in BC, I will foster here. I'll take a break when my girl comes home, but that could be some time, so I'll let someone else borrow her room in the meantime. Not all the stuff I've set aside for her. Just her room. Our bonus [foster] child will have special stuff that I'm picking out just for him or her. I think it'll be a good thing.
I am sure that God has a plan. And he is faithful and I know all will work out for good. But I don't know what that good will be, so for now, I'll just be quiet and trust in Him. Do you hear that God? I'm trusting in you.
We got THE CALL!
8 years ago